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Impactful communication
Campaign | Social Media
Impactful communication
with fresh ideas
Campaign | Social Media

With the largest 600 Acres of Campus LPU is having more than 25000 students from India & abroad
LPU wants to change the communication to impactful communication with fresh ideas. The Communication shall flow over Digital, PR, Events, and OOH.
With 1 months of LPU research across the country that what they know about LPU, it comes a 80% rational approach in communication which people knows about. Hence we flipped it entirely with Emotional Communication.

Dizital Solutions works on digital space with digital communications services as and digital products as smart class, tablets etc.
400% more engagement
than before
216% admission form filled in 2018
compares to 2017
600% query from OOH
than before

Amplifying media visibility and
enhancing social media engagements

Outstretching beyond the