A step towards creating a
Sustainable Livelihood
Packaging | Branding | Social Media

SUVIDHA abbreviated as Society for the Upliftment of Villagers & Development of Himalayan Areas is a non-profit, rural development and voluntary organization founded in the year 2004 which aims at eliminating poverty, unemployment, poor health and illiteracy for 60% of citizens who still live in the backward areas of the nation.
From brand strategies and advertising campaigns to digital tactics and creative graphics, we created comprehensive internal and external communication plan, around the projects and geographies of work spread in entire India.
We served as 360° design services, web development and videos agency. We helped in moving Suvidha’s brand to digital platforms. We have also provided end to end branding and promotional services as well as mass digital campaigns to sensitize people on sustainability, climate change, agriculture and other such social subjects.

Design House works on digital space with digital communications services as and digital products as smart class, tablets etc.
Project Approvals of worth
2 Cr in 1 Years
E-CommerceWeb Sale
around 20 Lacs
All Social media handles go organic
with 300% Engagement

The design is a fusion of
modernitity & prestigeousness

A traditional design with
a modern touch